How to update a glue job default argument using a lambda function?


Hello, I am attempting to update a glue job default argument within a lambda function. So far the best I have been able to find is to use the boto3 get_job and update_job functions with the desired change to the default argument.

Is there a better way to do this? Thanks

已提問 1 個月前檢視次數 167 次
1 個回答


Using the Boto3 get_job and update_job functions is the standard way to update a Glue job's default arguments programmatically. However, if you're looking for a more streamlined approach or automation, you can consider using AWS Step Functions or AWS EventBridge to trigger a Lambda function whenever a specific event occurs (such as a CloudWatch Events rule for Glue job state changes). ** Set Up CloudWatch Events Rule: **Create a CloudWatch Events rule that triggers when a Glue job state changes. For example, you might want to trigger the rule when the job starts or completes.

**Trigger Lambda Function: **Configure the CloudWatch Events rule to invoke a Lambda function when triggered. This Lambda function will contain the logic to update the Glue job's default arguments.

Lambda Function Logic: In the Lambda function, use Boto3 to get the Glue job details using get_job, modify the default arguments as needed, and update the job using update_job.

Error Handling: Implement error handling in the Lambda function to handle any potential issues, such as invalid input or failed API calls. Testing and Monitoring: Test the setup to ensure it works as expected and monitor CloudWatch Logs for any errors or unexpected behavior.

import boto3

glue_client = boto3.client('glue')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    job_name = event['detail']['jobName']
    # Retrieve current job configuration
    response = glue_client.get_job(JobName=job_name)
    job_details = response['Job']
    # Modify default arguments as needed
    job_details['DefaultArguments']['new_argument'] = 'new_value'
    # Update the job with the modified configuration
    glue_client.update_job(JobName=job_name, JobUpdate=job_details)
    return {
        'statusCode': 200,
        'body': 'Default argument updated successfully'

Using the Boto3 get_job and update_job functions is the standard way to update a Glue job's default arguments programmatically. However, if you're looking for a more streamlined approach or automation, you can consider using AWS Step Functions or AWS EventBridge to trigger a Lambda function whenever a specific event occurs (such as a CloudWatch Events rule for Glue job state changes).

Here's a basic outline of how you can achieve this:

Set Up CloudWatch Events Rule: Create a CloudWatch Events rule that triggers when a Glue job state changes. For example, you might want to trigger the rule when the job starts or completes. Trigger Lambda Function: Configure the CloudWatch Events rule to invoke a Lambda function when triggered. This Lambda function will contain the logic to update the Glue job's default arguments. Lambda Function Logic: In the Lambda function, use Boto3 to get the Glue job details using get_job, modify the default arguments as needed, and update the job using update_job. Error Handling: Implement error handling in the Lambda function to handle any potential issues, such as invalid input or failed API calls. Testing and Monitoring: Test the setup to ensure it works as expected and monitor CloudWatch Logs for any errors or unexpected behavior. Here's a simplified example of what the Lambda function code might look like:

python Copy code import boto3

glue_client = boto3.client('glue')

def lambda_handler(event, context): job_name = event['detail']['jobName']

# Retrieve current job configuration
response = glue_client.get_job(JobName=job_name)
job_details = response['Job']

# Modify default arguments as needed
job_details['DefaultArguments']['new_argument'] = 'new_value'

# Update the job with the modified configuration
glue_client.update_job(JobName=job_name, JobUpdate=job_details)

return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': 'Default argument updated successfully'

This Lambda function would be triggered whenever the CloudWatch Events rule detects a Glue job state change. It then retrieves the job details, modifies the default arguments, and updates the job configuration accordingly

已回答 1 個月前

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