Questions regarding Route 53


Can I purchase .de Domains for testing purpose in AWS Route 53 ? Kindly Help !

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 210 次
1 個回答

Yes, If you:

  1. go to Route 53 in the AWS Console
  2. Go to Registered domains
  3. Klick Register domain
  4. you can buy a .de domain for $9

Hope this helps!


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已回答 2 年前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 2 年前
  • @carl, thank you for the prompt response. We appreciate your help.

    @Akshay, if Carl's answer helped you, please ensure to mark it as accepted to thank Carl and help the community members find validated answers.

    Thank you!

  • Thanks for the help @carl

  • @akshay, thank you for your comment to Carl. If you can please click on the "Accept" button on Carl's answer, this will let community know that the answer provided was the solution you were looking for. Kind Regards,

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