Imported RHEL 8.7 VM from Azure to AWS Frankfurt unable to use yum


I've exported a VM in Azure that is a RHEL 8.7 (Oopta) and imported it in eu-frankfurt-1, I was able to access it normally but when I try to install wget using: dnf install wget I'm having timeout issues.

Now, I tried to change the repo and certificates on the machine. I'm experiencing a new error now which is this one:

dnf install wget Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 - AppStream from RHUI (RPMs) 9.4 B/s | 153 B 00:16 Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'rhel-8-appstream-rhui-rpms':

I've manually changed REGION to eu-central-1 from the URL, since on VM's I provisioned on AWS VM that was the URL of the repo e.g. mirrorlist=$releasever/$basearch/appstream/debug

Any ideas how I can resolve this?

已提問 9 個月前檢視次數 435 次
1 個回答

According to Red Hat, supported methods for creating RHEL cloud instances are either (i) building your own image and then licensing it using BYOL; or (ii) provision an instance using the AWS-provided AMI

Exporting from Azure and then importing to AWS sounds like it falls into category (i) and as such the instance would need to be attached to Satellite to get its updates. Rather than the AWS RHUI repos, access to which is included in the pricing of instances provisioned in category (ii).

Azure's website actually tries to unravel this better than anything I've seen on AWS

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已回答 9 個月前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 9 個月前
  • Thank you Steve. So once we acquire a subscription for this RHEL machine, is it easy as attaching the subscription via Subscription Manager CLI and would receive an update? OR should we still clean up the Azure RHUI repos?

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