Comprehend incremental training

  1. We trained custom model with manually annotated data set of documents but the accuracy is low, we want to annotate and train again. When I create a new version will it learn from the current set of inputs and also preserve the old training ? Do I need to give all the data for every incremental training ?

  2. Since there is some low accuracy issue, I want to add a2i . How to do it in console UI for batch processing ? When the people make additional annotation in a2i, will the comprehend learn incrementally ? Or do we need to make run the training job again ?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 304 次
1 個回答

You will need to provide all of the data for each incremental training.

Comprehend is not integrated with A2I at this time, so you would need to re-submit a new training job with all the annotations.

已回答 1 年前
  • It looks like incremental training is not supported at this point of time. After collecting all the data from A2I, we need to retrain the model with full data.

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