using lambda as the identity broker to access AWS Console


Hi, I create an identity broker to access AWS Console by following the 'Example code using Python' in It works on my desktop. I can run the python code and generate valid AWS Console URL with assume role. However, when I migrate the code into lambda by assuming the same role, I failed at requests.get(request_url) with 400 error. In my code, lambda has assumed the role successfully. Why the assumed role can generate AWS Console url in my desktop but failed in lambda?

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 317 次
1 個回答

What role and policies does your deployed Lambda function have? If it doesn't have permission to assume the role, then I think you will get the error you described.

Usually your development user/role will have more permissions than a deployed Lambda function, but it depends on the deployed function role.

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已回答 2 年前

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