Lightsail for Research bug? (0 vCPU quota)


Does the new Lightsail for Research service have a bug? When I tried to create a VM, I got an error:

Your instance cannot be created at this time.
InvalidInputException: You reached the quota of total vCPUs that you can create in your account. Your virtual computers can have a combined total of 0 vCPUs. Delete virtual computers that you don't need, or request a quota increase.

I have a 2 vCPU "regular" Lightsail VM already, so the message must be wrong. I don't see any mention of a Lightsail vCPU quota at

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 284 次
2 個答案

I agree with you that it's a bug.

I got the same error message as you when I set the computer name to "test". After setting a complex name that seemed random, I was able to boot.

已回答 1 年前

The usual limit for the number of instance is 20. However, the account might have a limit lower than that due to multiple reasons.

Please reach out to the AWS Billing and Accounts team via support console as only they can provide you more details with regard to this.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前

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