How to sync S3 buckets in GOV region and standard region


I use CodeDeploy to deploy the S3 code to the local instance, but the code is in S3 of AWS GovCloud, and the instance is in "US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 US East (Ohio) us-east-2 US West (N. California) us-west-1 US West (Oregon)"These areas, How should I deploy,

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You cannot do a direct copy of the contents of an Amazon S3 bucket in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions to or from another AWS Region.

So, your code in GoVCloud S3 bucket cannot be accessed by CodeDeploy from the commercial regions that you mention.

The AWS-recommended solution to achieve content export / import with GovCloud is detailled here:

As you sell in the blog post, it is based on Data Transfer Hub published in OSS (for total transparency) by AWS at



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Syncing data between AWS GovCloud and standard AWS regions requires a few steps. Here's a general approach to sync S3 buckets between GovCloud and standard regions and then use CodeDeploy to deploy the code:

Set Up Cross-Region S3 Replication:

  • Ensure that versioning is enabled on both the source bucket (in GovCloud) and the destination bucket (in the standard region).
  • Create an IAM role in the source bucket's region (GovCloud) that allows Amazon S3 to replicate objects on behalf of your bucket.
  • Create a bucket policy for the destination bucket to allow the source bucket to replicate objects into it.
  • Configure cross-region replication on the source bucket to replicate objects to the destination bucket.

** Use AWS CLI to Sync Buckets (Alternative to S3 Replication):**

  • If you don't want to set up replication, you can use the AWS CLI to manually sync the buckets:
aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket s3://destination-bucket --source-region us-gov-west-1 --region us-east-1

Deploy Using CodeDeploy:

  • Once the data is available in the standard region's S3 bucket, you can use CodeDeploy to deploy the code to your instances in the standard regions.
  • Ensure that your instances have the necessary IAM roles and permissions to access the S3 bucket in the standard region.
  • Create a CodeDeploy application and deployment group.
  • Use the S3 bucket in the standard region as the source location for your deployment.

Automate the Process:

  • If you need to do this frequently, consider automating the process using AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions. For example, you can trigger a Lambda function to sync the buckets whenever a new object is added to the GovCloud bucket.

Consider Data Transfer Costs:

  • Keep in mind that transferring data out of a region (especially across GovCloud and standard regions) may incur additional costs. Ensure you're aware of these costs when setting up replication or frequent syncs.

Security Considerations:

  • Ensure that all data transferred between regions is encrypted in transit. S3 provides this by default, but always double-check.
  • If the data is sensitive, also consider encrypting it at rest in both the source and destination buckets.
  • Ensure that IAM policies are set up correctly to prevent unauthorized access to your S3 buckets.
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已回答 10 個月前
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已審閱 3 個月前
  • The access keys of the two regions are different. Should I use the access key of the gov IAM user or the non-gov access key?


Deploying code from an S3 bucket in an AWS GovCloud region to instances in a standard AWS region (e.g., us-east-1, us-east-2, etc.) involves some considerations due to the region separation and potential network boundaries. Here's a general approach to achieve this:

  1. Cross-Region Access:

    Ensure that your instances in the standard region can access resources (like S3 buckets) in the AWS GovCloud region. You'll need to set up proper cross-region access permissions. This might involve IAM roles and policies.

  2. AWS GovCloud S3 Access:

    Make sure your instances in the standard region have the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket in AWS GovCloud. You might need to create an IAM role with permissions to read from the GovCloud S3 bucket and attach it to your instances.

  3. Deployment Strategy:

    If you're using AWS CodeDeploy to deploy your code to instances, consider creating an application in the AWS GovCloud region and another application in the standard region. Each application can have deployment groups that target instances in their respective regions.

  4. Source Locations:

    You'll need to specify the source location for your deployment in CodeDeploy. Since your code is in an AWS GovCloud S3 bucket, you'll need to reference that bucket's URL in the deployment configuration.

  5. Custom AMIs:

    Depending on your use case, you might want to consider creating custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that have the necessary dependencies to fetch code from the GovCloud S3 bucket and deploy it. This can help streamline the deployment process on instances.

  6. Networking Considerations:

    Ensure that network connectivity between the GovCloud S3 bucket and your instances in the standard region is established. You might need to configure VPC peering or VPN connections if the GovCloud region and the standard region are in separate networks.

  7. Testing and Monitoring:

    Before deploying to production, thoroughly test your deployment strategy in a non-production environment. Monitor the deployment process and error logs to identify any issues that might arise during the cross-region deployment.

  8. Security Best Practices:

    Always adhere to security best practices. Ensure that cross-region access is secure and follows the principle of least privilege.

Remember that your specific setup might have unique requirements, so it's important to tailor the approach to your needs and review the latest AWS documentation for any updates or changes in AWS services and features.

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已審閱 3 個月前

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