Can't see expenses for the current month in AWS Cost Explorer


Hello everyone, I hope this message finds you all well.

So, recently, the place where I work was accepted on the AWS Startups program, and AWS gave us some credits so that we could test and use their services without them charging us for that. Since then, I have noticed that, on the cost explorer, all of the info regarding daily costs has become complete nonsense, as you can see in the pictures bellow. The thing is, we would like to see how much our current services are costing us, so that we can see how many credits we have left and plan our next steps according to that information. Do any of you know where could we check that information, and if not, why is it not available? Cost explorer showing up nonsensical data The same nonsense, but daily

Thanks in advance!

gefragt vor 5 Monaten438 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

To see your raw cost before any credits are applied choose to exclude credits from charge types in Cost Explorer. Exclude credits from charge types

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beantwortet vor 5 Monaten
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überprüft vor 2 Monaten

Hello Arturo - from the screenshots you have provided, there is a wealth of information provided here by Cost Explorer. The first graph which appears to be configured to display monthly granularity and grouped by service dimension is showing that so far in the month of December your actual out of pocket costs are less than $.00003. Of that amount the blue bar above the 0 line seems to show that this is for EC2-Other charges, which can include things like EBS storage, NAT Gateway costs and other items. In order to see all the charges associated to EC2-Other, choose EC2 - Other in the Service drop-down under the filters menu, then choose Group By dimension of Usage Type. In the second chart which appears to be daily granularity grouped by Usage Type, it appears the small pink bars above the 0 line (actual out of pocket costs) are mostly for USE2-NatGateway-Bytes which means that there are some small charges related to NAT Gateway in the us-east-2 region, which is one of the usage type categories under EC2-Other, so this makes sense. For everything else, the bars are below the 0 line, which seems to indicate that these are credits applied to the usage in these categories. If you wish to have a breakdown of credits you could either group by dimension of Charge Type which will show your aggregated costs by credits, refunds, usage charges, etc in order to see your total credits, or you could choose to include Credit only as a filter in the Charge Type filter drop-down, then group by service, etc. More information on filtering your data by these dimensions can be found here:

beantwortet vor 5 Monaten
  • Hello, Rathmyle. Thanks for your answer.

    I said that there was a lack of information because we knew that those were not the actual charges. Those same Usage Type categories were adding up to almost $2 per day, and when we got the credits, they were gone. We now can see the credits used by grouping them by Charge Type (thanks a lot!), but we cannot see the amount of credits used by each service, even though we filter them with Charge Type, and group them by service. We're going to keep exploring and reading the resources that you gave us. I will post an update if we find something new.

    Best regards!

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