Cannot Publicly Share CloudWatch Dashboard


I have a dashboard that is made up of alarms from different subaccounts, and when attempting to share it throws error on the "Accept Policy and Generate Shareable Link": page: "An error happened trying to share your dashboard"

Cloudtrail shows this error: }, "eventTime": "2022-02-25T15:16:14Z", "eventSource": "", "eventName": "CreateRole", "awsRegion": "us-east-1", "sourceIPAddress": "x.x.x.x.x", "userAgent": "Coral/Netty4", ** "errorCode": "InternalFailure", "errorMessage": "CreateRole operation failed",** "requestParameters": null, "responseElements": null, "requestID": "e25fb6da-ffca-4d9f-b1d2-0e6c2xxxxxx", "eventID": "301acbbf-fcf2-479b-a6fd-7b70axxxxxx", "readOnly": false, "eventType": "AwsApiCall", "managementEvent": true, "recipientAccountId": "12345678910", "eventCategory": "Management" }

gefragt vor 2 Jahren543 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I'm not sure where that error is coming from but I do know that cross-account viewing of alarms is not supported in shared CloudWatch Dashboards

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • I mean I can imagine why, as there are permissions at play in several subaccounts but it seems like it "should" be possible. Almost like why does the console let you even attempt to share a dashboard that has metrics/alarms from multiple accounts if it isn't going to work, and also throw a vague error?

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