Problem installing AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Agent on Linux


I am following the "Upgrading from CEDR to AWS DRS" instructions.

I have successfully installed the agent on several machines - and got replication working.

However in one machine the install fails with "ERROR Failed to download installer".

According to the log this was retried several times with same result.

I have checked the troubleshooting guide

Disk space - 12GB free Network - can connect externally (including direct "wget" to "")

Plus I have a near identical machine - same kernel, same memory, same network connectivity - on which this has worked.

Any ideas gratefully received.

Log detail

2024-03-14 17:03:39,367 ERROR      Failed to download installer, retrying
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shared/installer_utils/", line 62, in inner
  File "requests/", line 75, in get
  File "requests/", line 61, in request
  File "requests/", line 529, in request
  File "requests/", line 687, in send
  File "requests/", line 838, in content
MemoryError [installation_id: cfa6cedd-f5c9-4434-bf93-4c7a2acd3960, agent_version:, aws_instance_id: i-0bb2cbf74a1576267, mac_addresses: 2557591013316, _origin_client_type: installer]
2024-03-14 17:03:45,191 ERROR      Failed to download installer                                                     [installation_id: cfa6cedd-f5c9-4434-bf93-4c7a2acd3960, agent_version:, aws_instance_id: i-0bb2cbf74a1576267, mac_addresses: 2557591013316, _origin_client_type: installer]
2024-03-14 17:03:45,196 ERROR      Failed Downloading the AWS Replication Agent
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dirrus/installer_shared/", line 424, in download_installer_files
  File "shared/installer_utils/", line 88, in download_s3_file_with_retries
  File "shared/installer_utils/", line 77, in inner
Exception: Failed to download installer [installation_id: cfa6cedd-f5c9-4434-bf93-4c7a2acd3960, agent_version:, aws_ins
gefragt vor 3 Monaten312 Aufrufe
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In posting this I spotted the "MemoryError" lurking in the logs - I have rebooted my server and now install step has completed ok.

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