Find an alternate solution to setup Firewall Manager without Organizations?


Could you please help me clarify my question? I'm interested in exploring alternative approaches to configuring AWS Firewall Manager that do not involve using AWS Organizations. Specifically, I would like to understand if there are any other methods or configurations available to set up Firewall Manager in individual AWS accounts without relying on the centralized management capabilities provided by AWS Organizations. I'm curious to learn about different approaches or potential solutions for managing and enforcing firewall policies within individual accounts.

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I understand that you are exploring alternative approaches to configuring AWS Firewall Manager that do not involve using AWS Organizations for an individual account. It is not possible to configure AWS Firewall Manager without AWS Organizations. You can setup an AWS Organization with a single account and setup AWS Firewall Manager to centrally manage AWS WAF rules, AWS Shield Advanced protections, Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rules, AWS Network Firewall rules, and AWS VPC security groups.

As mentioned by Didier, you can configure these services individually without AWS Firewall Manager and use CloudFormation or another infrastructure as code tool to manage these rule deployments without AWS Organizations.

You can find the documentation for AWS Firewall Manager here and the prerequisite requirements for use here.


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Hi, AWS Firewall Manager allows you to automatically deploy Amazon VPC security groups, AWS WAF rules, AWS Shield Advanced protections, AWS Network Firewall rules, and Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rules across different account of an AWS Organizations structure.

But, each of those products can also be configured for a single account without AWS Org-

Have a look at to work from a single account

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