Data missing from Aurora db table


Hello, I noticed that a bunch if rows have randomly disappeared from one of my tables in an Aurora instance if MySQL. I am pretty confident these weren't accidentally deleted, as I am the only one with an admin account. Any ideas what may have caused this (I know it is a long shot) an how I can get the data back? I tried the point in time restore, but that only goes back by a day,

1 Antwort
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Check on these main reasons and look at the article included as well.

Bear in mind that binary logs are your first way to recovery and without a correct DR policy it may be really difficult to go on with the process. Anyways here are the other culprits you could hack.

  1. Check if you've enabled binary logging—it helps track changes to your data.
  2. Look into your CloudTrail logs for any DELETE statements around the time of the disappearance.
  3. Keep an eye on CloudWatch metrics for signs of high usage, which could signal trouble
  4. Consider enabling enhanced monitoring for more detailed insights.
  5. Check for any long-running transactions using the InnoDB status
  6. Review your IAM policies to ensure only authorized users are making changes.
  7. For future prevention, think about enabling binary logging and taking frequent snapshots.

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