Free tier bill: RDS/VPC


I am new to AWS, just created the free tier account to use it for a college project.

The problem is that I needed a MYSQL database, so I choose RDS. But, to communicate with other machines, I think that the RDS must be associated with a VPC with an IPV4 that can reach all internet (

Since I did this change, now I and my colleagues are able to use the database, but the cost's management console started to show some costs.

As we are Brazilian, and the costs are in dollars, it's hard for us to maintain them.

Is there another way to use the database without being billed? Am I doing something unnecessary to get billed?

1 Antwort


AWS will charge for public IPv4 from February 2024.
Therefore, when you enable RDS public access, a public IPv4 is attached, so it is expected that you will be charged.

Therefore, please create an EC2 in the free tier and set it as a stepping stone instance.
Disable public access for RDS and configure it to access from EC2 as a stepping stone.

In the case of RDS charges, please make sure that the settings are within the free tier.

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