python dax client lacking maintenance


Is the python amazon-dax-client still maintained?

it has not been updated in a year, does not support python >3.11 due to deprecated references and has a bug with using the same keys on multiple tables. It is also locked to a minor version of botocore which limits the boto3 version (botocore~=1.20, >=1.20.35)

It would be great if it had a GitHub repo that issues can be raised on and PR's can be created by the community.

gefragt vor 7 Monaten248 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Thank you, Riley, for sharing your insights. I want to assure you that the Python Amazon DAX Client is actively maintained. I appreciate your concern about the version, and I'll be discussing it with the owning team. While I can't provide a specific timeline for the package upgrade, I want to emphasize that your feedback is valued, and we are actively considering it.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 7 Monaten

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