Undelivered email reply if any exception in Lamba function which integrated with the Amazon SES Email receiving service


We have implemented Email receiving using Amazon SES, it intercepts all emails and a Lambda function, we are noticing one behaviour if any exception in lambda function it sends undelivered email reply. I've query is it a expected behaviour?

1 Antwort


In Amazon SES, when you set up email receiving using the SES inbound email processing feature along with Lambda functions, the behavior you described is not necessarily expected, but it can occur due to the design of your Lambda function or how you handle exceptions within it.

When SES receives an email and forwards it to a Lambda function for processing, any errors or exceptions that occur during the execution of the Lambda function could potentially result in an undelivered email reply being sent to the sender. This behavior can happen if your Lambda function fails to handle the incoming email properly or if it encounters an error that prevents it from processing the email successfully.

To prevent undelivered email replies due to exceptions in your Lambda function, consider the following best practices:

**Error Handling: **Implement robust error handling within your Lambda function to catch and handle any exceptions gracefully. This includes handling potential issues such as network errors, malformed email content, or unexpected data formats. Logging: Use logging within your Lambda function to capture relevant information about the execution process, including any errors or exceptions that occur. By logging this information, you can troubleshoot issues more effectively and identify the root cause of any failures.

Retry Mechanism: Implement a retry mechanism within your Lambda function to handle transient errors or temporary issues that may occur during processing. This allows your function to retry the operation automatically, reducing the likelihood of undelivered email replies due to transient failures.

Monitoring and Alerts: Set up monitoring and alerting for your Lambda function to be notified of any errors or failures that occur during execution. This allows you to proactively identify and address issues before they impact the delivery of incoming emails.

Testing: Thoroughly test your Lambda function with various types of email content and scenarios to ensure that it behaves as expected and handles errors appropriately. This includes testing error conditions and edge cases to verify that your function can recover gracefully from unexpected situations.

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