DocumentDb connection on Mac OS system


I would like to know what to do to successfully connect to my documentDb using the mongodb atlas. I have properly linked the global-bundle.pem file to the uri string every time I run my code I keep getting connection timed out error

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preguntada hace 2 meses206 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

The error message you're encountering, MongooseServerSelectionError: Server selection timed out after 30000ms, indicates that your application is unable to establish a connection with the Amazon DocumentDB cluster. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue check that your network access configuration allows connections from your application's IP address. In AWS, this is managed through the security group associated with your DocumentDB instance. Also, check whether DocumentDB is placed with the proper VPC security group or check for connection string to confirm that you are using the right connection parameters specific to DocumentDB, such as ssl=true and replicaSet=rs0 if applicable, and finally consider increasing the timeout setting in your application to accommodate connections that might take longer due to network latency or other issues

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