aws config permission error


im trying to turn on aws config using an account with limited permissions.

For the IAM role for AWS Config I used the option 'Use an existing AWS Config service-linked role' and then I manually created a new S3 bucket with the permissions indicated here:

When Im done configuring the rules, I choose Confirm and then the following error shows:

AWS Config cannot save your settings because of one of the following: The IAM role is updating in the system. Wait a moment and try again. AWS Config doesn't have sufficient permissions to send configuration information to the specified S3 bucket. Update the role or bucket permissions and try again.

The bucket seem to have the necessary permissions, what could be the problem? Im not finding this error message in internet

2 Respuestas
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the default role created by the aws config didnt have the put permission to the s3 bucket, creating a new role with this permission solved the problem

respondido hace 2 meses
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revisado hace 2 meses

AWS Config cannot save your settings because of one of the following: The IAM role is updating in the system. Wait a moment and try again. AWS Config doesn't have sufficient permissions to send configuration information to the specified S3 bucket. Update the role or bucket permissions and try it again.

respondido hace 2 meses

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