How to migrate AWS EC2 to Azure VM ?


I'm looking to migrate an AWS EC2 ubuntu instance to an Azure VM. Are there any straightforward methods you'd recommend for this migration process?

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2 Respuestas

Hi follow this steps for your query.

**Prepare: **Check your EC2 instance for any important stuff and make sure it's updated and backed up.

Create Azure VM: In Azure, set up a new virtual machine (VM) similar to your EC2 instance.

**Copy Data: **Move all your files and data from your EC2 instance to somewhere you can access from Azure.

Install Tools: On your EC2 instance, install any tools needed for the migration, like the Azure CLI.

Set Up Network: Make sure the network settings on your Azure VM match those on your EC2 instance.

Install Apps: Install any apps or services you need on your Azure VM.

Test: After migrating, check that everything works correctly on your Azure VM.

Update DNS: If needed, update your DNS settings to point to your new Azure VM.

Monitor: Keep an eye on your Azure VM's performance and adjust as necessary.

respondido hace un mes
  • Thanks for the information.

    I'm able to handle the migration manually, but the challenge lies in the complexity of the application setup on Ubuntu. Unfortunately, the person who initially set it up didn't share any documentation or steps. Therefore, I need to replicate the entire VM in Azure without relying on manual setup. For example, I'm considering options like transferring an EC2 snapshot directly to an Azure VM.



You may be able to migrate from EC2 to Azure using Azure Migrate.

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respondido hace un mes

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