how to delete bucket with object lock enabled



I am completely new to AWS S3 and hope to be permitted to ask the question below:

I created a bucket (as root user in the console) with object lock enabled for using it as a Veeam backup repository

After succesfully creating this repository in Veeam as a IAM user with S3 permissions to do this, this bucket contains some objects that describe the repository and the owner. (did not run a backup towards it yet)

When trying to delete this bucket at this point (as the root-user in the console), the first step is emptying it. (removing these objects) But when trying this I get an 'access denied' on these objects

Can you please help me understand what I can do to delete the bucket in this situation ?

TIA for your help ! B

preguntada hace un mes126 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


Object lock is nothing but Restricting the deletion option by accidently or for security reasons. But you have a chance to delete the objects or empty the bucket by enabling Default retention in Object lock set the retention mode to Governance so that you can empty the bucket with certain permissions. As a root user you don't need any permission. So you can empty the bucket by enabling Default Retention.

Note: by enabling Object lock to a bucket you can have a chance to delete objects in that bucket but you can't delete the bucket once the object lock is enabled.

For further details see

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