AWS CLI commands InvalidClientTokenId error


I was able to run a few AWS CLI commands via Jenkins pipeline. All of a sudden it stopped working with the below error. "an error occurred (invalidclienttokenid) when calling the ... operation: The security token included in the request is invalid."

I was able to run the CLI commands on the Jenkins server. It works fine. I tried removing ~/.aws and ran configure again. It still doesn't work.

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Are the access key and secret access key you are using activated?
If it is not activated, I believe an error will occur.
You must make sure you are using the correct access key and secret access key.
In some cases, it may be easier to reissue and set up access keys.

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revisado hace 2 meses
  • As I mentioned, I was able to run the CLI commands on the Jenkins server. Why would it work if it wasn't activated?

  • As I mentioned, I was able to run the CLI commands on the Jenkins server. Why would it work if it wasn't activated?

    Is it possible that someone has accidentally disabled it?

    Is it possible to share all the commands you are running? Am I correct in my understanding that it was originally running on the pipeline? Also, have you set up the credentials correctly for the OS user running the jenkins pipeline? Also, will it work if I embed the access key and secret access key in the pipeline configuration without setting them in "~/.aws"?

    pipeline {
      agent any
      stages {
        stage("s3 ls") {
          steps {
                $class: 'AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding',
                credentialsId: 'sandbox',
                accessKeyVariable: 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
                secretKeyVariable: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
            ) {
              sh '''
              aws s3 ls
  • @Riku_Kobayashi They are iam related list commands. Yes, it was running and stopped working. I will try and let you know. Thanks.

  • I tried adding AWS credentials via Manage Credentials. It throws, AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials.

  • Another point to check is to see if the server's time synchronization is out of sync.

    It is also possible that a server restart may correct the problem.

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