AWS IoT FleetWise MQTT topic


Hello, AWS people. I deployed the FleetWise campaign to my vehicle. It stated in the Edge Agent config-0.json file as follows. So I subscribed to the following topic in IoT Core MQTT Client.

 "collectionSchemeListTopic": "$aws/iotfleetwise/vehicles/vehicle-obd/collection_schemes",
"decoderManifestTopic": "$aws/iotfleetwise/vehicles/vehicle-obd/decoder_manifests",
"canDataTopic": "$aws/iotfleetwise/vehicles/vehicle-obd/signals",
"checkinTopic": "$aws/iotfleetwise/vehicles/vehicle-obd/checkins",

However, a notification appeared that checkin and canData topic could not be subscribed. In addition, the decoderManifest and collectionSchemeList topic were delivered in characters that were not recognized as follows. 여기에 이미지 설명 입력 여기에 이미지 설명 입력

Why is this? Is there a way for me to see it in the right text? And Why can't I subscribe to Topic?

Always, Thank you.

preguntada hace 2 meses151 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Ensure that the IoT policy associated with the FleetWise Edge agent (FWE) has the permissions to subscribe, and publish, to the required topics and described here and that your thingName in AWS IoT Core isvehicle-obd. If this is the case, can you please update your question with the policy (you can remove the account id) and we can clarify from there.

As for the message payloads with non-ASCII characters, AWS IoT FleetWise utilizes protobuf and optionally snappy to compress and send/receive data in a binary format. You can see more details in the FWE source code, but once FleetWise is fully operational the service handles all data transmissions at the edge and in the cloud.

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