Will I get charged for an organization's billing if I leave it?


I was added as a member of an organization for a business that I consulted for. They have their own independent account and I have my own independent account. My work with the business has since stopped, but I am still labeled as a member of their organization.

A few weeks ago I started getting emails about non-payment related to the organization's account. I emailed them asking them to take me off as a member. I have followed up 2-3 times now and they have yet to do it.

I am now getting an email saying that my account is being restricted due to non-payment for the organization's account.

I know that there is an option for me to leave the organization via the Organizations Dashboard. But the verbage has me cautious. It says:

If you leave the organization, you become responsible for all billing charges related to this account. If you want to rejoin the organization, you must receive and approve a new invitation.

By "this account" does that mean my account, or the account of the organization I am leaving. If it is my account, that is fine. I just don't want to end up in the situation where I leave the organization and the costs of the organization get transferred to me.

For added context, I am not able to see nor pay their bills in the Billing and Cost Management dashboard.

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I believe what you are seeing is confirmation that you will leave the consolidated billing of the Org and become responsible for the charges in the account that is leaving the org. It would be wise to validate which account in the Org is responsible for consolidated billing and the role of your account.

I would recommend opening a Billing Support Case to confirm before making changes. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/billing-get-answers.html

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Please refer to Considerations before removing an account from an organization. From billing perspective, you will be responsible for all new AWS cost accrued from the time you leave and you'll need to have a new payment method (credit card or ACH) set up on your account.

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