Maven dependency error when importing Blu Age L3 Workshop modernized code


I got the following Maven dependency error while importing and compiling the Java modernized code in AppStream:

1. The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library  'D:\PhotonUser\Workshop\maven-repository\com\netfective\bluage\gapwalk.datasimplifier-io\3.10.0\gapwalk.datasimplifier-io-3.10.0.jar'
2. The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library  'D:\PhotonUser\Workshop\maven-repository\com\netfective\bluage\gapwalk.runtime.legacy.statements\3.10.0\gapwalk.runtime.legacy.statements-3.10.0.jar'

Specified jar files do not exist at this path.

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As a rule of thumb, you should always use the same version of the AWS Blu Age when generating the modernized code (velocity = transformation engine) as when executing the modernized code (runtime).

In your case, the version used to execute the code in AppStream is probably not the same as the one used to build the modernized code (3.10.0).

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