Upgrade existing EKS cluster preserving the "auth config-map"


We are moving some EKS clusters to the main one and the clusters we are moving use the auth config-map. We know the auth config-math is deprecated and the new clusters are spin-up with the new Cluster Access Management authentication. For the clusters we are migrating, we don't want to spend time to move to the Cluster Access Management, because we've planned to complete the migration at about June 2025.

Until June 2025, we need to update the migrating EKS clusters to 1.28/1.29 For what we've understood, for an existing cluster during the upgrading process, the config-map authentication is not removed in place of the Cluster Access Management authentication, is that right?

Thanks in advance Pier

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preguntada hace 2 meses135 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Yes, you can use Both the ConfigMap and access entries


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