How to do batch testing and compare the modernized application output result with the legacy application output?


How can we perform batch testing and compare the modernized application output result with the legacy application output? For online testing I found the capture and replay to capture the test case and automate it and compare with modernized output but what about batch testing? Who will provide test cases and how to compare result of modern and legacy batch output?

preguntada hace 2 meses85 visualizaciones
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Hi to test the batch (or any testcase in general) we can proceed as follow :

  1. Take a snapshot of the the legacy database (initial data)
  2. play the test case on legacy application
  3. Take snapshot of the legacy data base and migrate it to modern data base ( expected data )
  4. Migrate and load the initial snapshot to the modern database
  5. play the test case on modern application
  6. Compare the database with the expected data ( should be the same)

Test cases must be discussed with customer who can provide the them based on his regular activity using his application

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