Why does Auto-Recovery Behavior not occur even when System Checked Failed occurs despite setting the Auto-Recovery Behavior option to Default (On) on the EC2 instance?


Why does Auto-Recovery Behavior not occur even when System Checked Failed occurs despite setting the Auto-Recovery Behavior option to Default (On) on the EC2(T2.micro, Ubuntu(22.04)) instance? And, How should I test if the Auto-Recovery Behavior function is working?

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preguntada hace 6 meses238 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta
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Did you encounter a problem with "StatusCheckFailed_Instance"?
In case of "StatusCheckFailed_Instance", Auto Recovery will not work.
EC2 Auto Recovery operates when the cause is a failure of the physical host on the AWS side.

To automatically recover an instance when a system status check failure occurs, you can use the default configuration of the instance or create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm. If an instance becomes unreachable because of an underlying hardware failure or a problem that requires AWS involvement to repair, the instance is automatically recovered.

Also, "StatusCheckFailed_System" is not counted unless a failure occurs on the physical host on the AWS side, so I think it would be difficult for us users to test its operation.

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respondido hace 6 meses
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revisado hace 6 meses
  • As a result of analysis, StatusCheckFailed_Instance occurred.

    Thank you so much for your kind response. 🥳

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