Docker Networking Issue to connect Other container


Recently I have been worked on two-tier application deployment so I created two different docker containers and first is MySQL container and the rest is just a notepad project container so, I saw that both docker containers have interconnected with each others and I created a docker network to interconnected each others.

But both containers have not connected each others so, anyone can suggested me which docker network are suitable for this condition, I have created (Bridge network) that is correct for this scenario based

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preguntada hace 4 meses382 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hello Amit,

Your network choice is correct for this scenario. You might want to double-check if you specified the same network name when creating both containers. Typos or inconsistencies can lead to connectivity issues. Also, Ensure you've correctly mapped the port used by your Node.js project to access the MySQL database within the network. Lastly you can use docker-compose for better management of multiple containers


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