Can I use cloudformation temaplate to update a stackset ?


Hi Team, Need help - I am using CF stackset to deploy some controls across accounts/OU . Now I have a requirement to exclude few accounts from this control, now I am aware that this is possible through "DIFFERENCE" filter option from AWS cloudformation stackset console . I would like to do the same with cloudformation itself. Is it possible to update the stackset with another cloudformation stack ? I couldn't find proper documentation for this, your help is much appreciated on this as always and please let me know if any questions.

preguntada hace un mes102 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


I think you can use "AWS::CloudFormation::StackSet" to manage stack sets using CloudFormation templates.

I think the following blogs will be helpful.

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respondido hace un mes

Thanks @Riku_Kobayashi. The only challenges of mine is I want to use the filter ( Union, Intersection and Difference ) feature of stackset and that seems not doable with stackset cloudformation function.

respondido hace un mes

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