Clound Quest isn't working


I am a Clound Practioner and I was trying to play Clound Quest to learn, since that's what it's asked in the first exercise. But, everytime I try to enter Clound Quest the game loads, I press start and suddenly it stops working. I can't click anything and a window appears saying "An error occured running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was: RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds at wasm://wasm/16461526:wasm-function[1580]:0x1868fe" I've already looked at my JavaScript and the site is allowed to use it, yet it insists that the problem is on my JavaScript. Could you help me please? I just want to learn.

preguntada hace 4 meses657 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Hey Manoela, Here is a list of some possible system requirements for cloud quest, note that only certain browsers and no mobile browsers are supported If you still are unable to launch it try opening up a ticket here for further assistance

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