How to get a correct prognose on costs of ec-instances and rds service


I created an Ec2-instance. This is related to an aurora mysql db-instance. I created this to launch a QA version of my application. Yesterday I made the instance and the RDS service. I checked how much it should cost me. Had the instance and rds up for around 3 hours. Set-up entry rules and created the database with some mock data, I really didn't do a lot. Afterwards I shut down the instance.

Today my billling is updated, but the calculated pricing is much higher than I expected. My problem is that I can see the total pricing of the RDS and than of the EC2-instance. But I cannot get a detail of how that is calculated. How can I get this specific detail of billing? I would want to see how they come the pricing.

Example: USD 0.14 per Aurora Capacity Unit hour running Aurora MySQL Serverless v2 15.161 ACU-Hr // TOTAL USD 2.12

This line says it costs 0,14 usd per hour. But it only ran 3 hours, how can it get to 2,12 ? But this is the maximum detail I can find.

Because at current consumption rate, I need to find something else than AWS to do this.

preguntada hace un mes249 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas


Use this to calculate the Cost of the Infra:

Free Tier: If you're new to AWS, you might still be eligible for the free tier, which includes limited usage of EC2 and RDS instances.

Look here Free Tier

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profile pictureAWS
revisado hace un mes
  • This is now just the issue. These tools always give incorrect prognoses. I make a prognose. I use it less and I pay more .. The tools are incorrect. Also I want to see how they calculated it afterwards, .. not before, since there prognose is wrong. I used a free tier EC-2 instance, still get billing for it. It should be normal to see how your pricing is calculated somehow.


Note that $0.14 is ACU hour, not Hour. It depends on how long did it remain 5 ACUs or more (depending on the maximum ACU set on the database and how much it had scaled up to) . Let's say it scaled up to 5 ACUs for 3 hours, it will be 5 x 0.12 per ACU-hour x 3 = $1.8. I assume the minimum you set on the database is 0.5. What is the maximum ACU set?

profile pictureAWS
respondido hace un mes
profile pictureAWS
revisado hace un mes

I took the lowest. I don't think it supposed to scale up just to create a few tables. Why don't they describe anywhere how I can calculate how to measure my ACU hour?

respondido hace un mes

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