Domain not active on Cloudflare after changing nameservers


I have a domain through route 53 and I am trying to setup cloudflare. Its been 4 or 5 days since I've updated the NS records but my domain is still not active in cloudflare yet

Here is a screenshot of my records for the hosted zone Records

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May I know if your domain was purchased at AWS? If yes, please try to validate the NS record from public DNS. If no, you should consider visiting your domain registration provider to change the NS hostname to Cloudflare.

Validate NS record in public:

To check the name server (NS) records of a domain, you can use various tools and methods. Here are a few options:

Command Line Tools: nslookup: This is a command-line tool available on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. To check the NS records, run the following command: nslookup -type=ns Replace with the domain you want to check.

dig: This is a more powerful command-line tool for DNS queries. To check NS records, use the following command: dig NS Online DNS Tools:

MxToolbox: Visit, enter the domain in the search box, and click "DNS Lookup". The NS records will be displayed in the results. DNS Checker: Go to, enter the domain, and click "DNS LOOKUP". The NS records will be shown under the "Name Servers" section.

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