Codewhisperer identity center setup



I followed the instructions in this video for setting up codewhisperer in this video using identity center.

however I get the following error when visual studio code tries to connect after matching code is accepted in the browser

2023-12-24 22:44:59 [ERROR]: API response ( /token): { name: 'AccessDeniedException', '$fault': 'client', '$metadata': { httpStatusCode: 400, requestId: 'e45b66a9-cfhe-4h42-881f-97eb86deb1y9', extendedRequestId: undefined, cfId: undefined }, error: 'access_denied', error_description: 'Access denied', message: 'UnknownError' }

2023-12-24 22023-12-24 22:44:59 [ERROR]: webviewId="authWebview": Error: Webview error -> Error: Webview backend command failed: "startCWIdentityCenterSetup()" -> Error: Failed to connect to IAM Identity Center [FailedToConnect] -> AccessDeniedException: UnknownError2:45:07 [WARN]: Metric Event did not pass validation: Metric toolkit_viewLogs was emitted without the result property. This property is always required. Consider using .run() instead of .emit(), which will set these properties automatically. See

preguntada hace 5 meses322 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

can you try using AWS Builder Id, here are the instructions,

respondido hace 3 meses

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