Can't logon to Skill Builder...


For whatever reason, when trying to logon to Skill Builder, I'm redirected to Midway Authentication and can't go anywhere because I'm not an Amazon employee. The last line reads:

If you don’t work for Amazon, you’ve been mistakenly directed to an internal-only Amazon system. Please contact the source of this link and request a corrected link.

I need to attend classes early tomorrow so any help would be great...

preguntada hace 2 meses75 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas
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Don't you have the blue line below "Sign in with a different option" ?Enter image description here

If yes, click on it to access other options for non AWS employees



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  • Glad that it worked for you. Thanks for accepting my answer!


I'd advise you to clear your browser cookies and try accessing the skillbuilder from AWS Skillbuilder login.

Once you hit the above mentioned sign in url, use the first option from below snapshot if you are trying to login as individual user.

Enter image description here

Also, see if this thread is of use for additional questions while logging in.

Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.


profile pictureAWS
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