How to pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator


Hi all,

I want to some suggestions.

  1. How to pass the certification less time around 2 to 3 months span of time.
  2. what resources to require passing the certification.
  3. what are the free resources available to pass the certification.

4.please recommend me what are the YouTube channel best for clear the certification.

                    Thank you.
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Please refer to this question. As mentioned here, Sign-up on AWS Skills Builder has many hands on practical scenarios.

Also please check this link

répondu il y a un mois

Another thing I would add to these very good answers is to take the Certified Cloud Practitioner exam first, before attempting SysOps Associate (even if you just schedule it a few days before). If your knowledge really is at a point where you can pass SysOps Associate then you should find Cloud Practitioner pretty easy. And as such it will boost your confidence. If you can't pass Cloud Practitioner then you're not actually ready for SysOps Associate.

It also gets you familiar with the online proctoring process, which can actually be quite tricky to navigate first time round and can get stressful (validating your ID, testing your laptop microphone, taking photos of the room you're in, etc.). This means when you come to do the more challenging exam, you're familiar with this and won't get thrown by it all.

Also, schedule your exam at the time of day that's best for you. Everybody is different, some are "morning people", others are at our best in the evenings. You know yourself better than anybody, so give yourself the best chance of passing.

And when you pass Cloud Practitioner you will get a 50% discount off your next exam, which you can use for SysOps. Current costs are

You'll end up spending more this way, $175 ($100 CP + $75 SysOps) instead of just a straight $150 on SysOps. But for me it was an extra $25 well spent, for the reasons above.

As far as a YouTube channel goes, I like this one

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