Is the system and attached device connected to the same network?



Is the system and attached device connected to the same network?

My requirement is, have to pass the data from a desktop machine (Windows/Mac PC) to the attached chosen mobile device. Our company mobile app is running on the attached chosen device and the test framework (Python-based Automation framework) running on the desktop. If it is connected to the same network, we can create communication between both ends. Please let me know the answer or if any clarifications. Thanks.

  • Bharath
demandé il y a 9 mois406 vues
1 réponse

In AWS DeviceFarm, the system that runs the test scripts and the attached devices are not physically connected to the same network since AWS DeviceFarm just provides a cloud-based testing environment where you can run tests on real devices in an isolated environment.

Since these are not connected to the same network, direct network communication between your desktop machine and the attached device isn't supported. Although you can use the APIs and features provided by AWS DeviceFarm such as CreateUpload [1] to upload an app or the testscripts to be ran by your app on the device.



répondu il y a 9 mois

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