Is Opening a Second AWS Account with the Same Business Credit Card Permitted?


As a startup, we have launched a second product and wish to separate its AWS resources from those of our initial product. The primary reason for this separation is to facilitate an easier transfer of the AWS account should we decide to sell our first product, without impacting our second product. I am aware that Oracle has stringent policies against opening multiple accounts, often resulting in the blocking of customers who attempt this.

I would like to understand the corresponding policies for AWS. Is it possible for the same company, using the same credit card, to open a second AWS account?

2 réponses


you can have different accounts under the same credit card, putting them into an organization so you will have a single payer, o leave them separated.

You must use different emails for everyone of those though.

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AWS organizations and consolidated billing would let you to create new accounts and get them all billed to single payment method and bill. Ie you dont even need to registed your credit card to multiple accounts. Organizations has also other handy management features and would let you disconnect accounts if you later decide carve-out some account.


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