Can't start EC2 Instance


When I will start my ec2 instance - with my aws root user - I get the message:

"This request has been administratively disabled"

What's wrong?

Creating a new ec2 instance is possible. But if I will stoping this by awc console, I get the same message. So if I stop the instance by sudo shutdown now the instance is stopping and I can't start it again.

demandé il y a un mois120 vues
2 réponses
Réponse acceptée


Looking at the answer at the URL below, it seems that the cause is a abuse report related to the account's resources.
It looks like you need to contact the AWS Trust and Safety team.
So why not contact the AWS Trust and Safety team?

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Thank you very match! I didn't find this RePost by searching for the message. Now I will contact the AWS Trust and Safety team by sending an email to

répondu il y a un mois

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