How to modify AWS IoT FleetWise CAN signal simulator?


Hello, AWS People I want to test IoT FleetWise by changing the value of CAN simulator in github. I wanted to set the data value of 100 of the signal and collect it by changing the 33-46th line of cansim/ . But this failed. I want to run the simulator with the signal of the name I want and the data of the signal. What can I do?

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demandé il y a 3 mois149 vues
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To modify the CAN simulator in the IoT FleetWise repository on GitHub to set a specific data value for a signal, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file located in the cansim directory of the IoT FleetWise repository.
  2. Locate the lines of code (33-46) where the data for the signal is being set. This may involve modifying the send_can_msg function or any other relevant function where signal data is being generated.
  3. Within those lines of code, find where the specific signal you want to modify is being handled. This may involve searching for the signal name or ID.
  4. Modify the code to set the desired data value for the signal. For example, if you want to set the data value of the signal to 100, ensure that the appropriate variable or parameter is assigned this value.
  5. Save your changes to the file.
  6. Run the CAN simulator to test your changes. Ensure that the simulator is correctly configured and connected to the IoT FleetWise platform.
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