EBS Bandwidth (Gbps) limits


Hi, For EC2 Instance type "x2iezn.2xlarge", I see the EBS Bandwidth (Gbps) specified as 3.17. May I know if this bandwidth is per EC2 Instance or per mounted EBS volume on the EC2 instance?

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To make sure my question is clear, if we have 3 EBS volumes attached to the EC2 instance type "x2iezn.2xlarge", is the combined EBS bandwidth of all the three volumes together is 3.17 Gbps or is it 3.17 Gbps per volume?


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I have just performed diskspd test to confirm. EBS bandwidth limit is per EC2 Instance . Not per mounted EBS volume on the EC2 instance.

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verificato 3 giorni fa

This is a property of the ec2 instance. The EBS volumes will have their own resource capacity.

$ aws ec2 describe-instance-types --instance-types x2iezn.2xlarge --query "InstanceTypes[*].[InstanceType, EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedSupport, EbsInfo.EbsOptimizedInfo]" --output json
            "BaselineBandwidthInMbps": 3170,
            "BaselineThroughputInMBps": 396.25,
            "BaselineIops": 13333,
            "MaximumBandwidthInMbps": 3170,
            "MaximumThroughputInMBps": 396.25,
            "MaximumIops": 13333
con risposta un anno fa

Thanks for your quick reply philaws. Does it mean irrespective of how fast EBS volumes we provision and how many of them, we can not go over the 396.25 MBps total EBS limit per server for x2iezn.2xlarge?

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