IAM User with AdministratorAccess Cannot Access Redshift Clusters in Query Editor v2



I am unable to view any clusters in Redshift Query Editor v2 despite having been granted AdministratorAccess to my IAM account on AWS. I receive the following error message: "An error occurred fetching clusters and workgroups. User: arn:aws:iam::***:user/hoang is not authorized to perform: tag:GetResources with an explicit deny in a service control policy"

I have verified that my IAM user has the AdministratorAccess policy attached, and I have also checked for any service control policies that might be restricting access. However, I am still unable to access the clusters.! Enter image description here Enter image description here Enter image description here

I would appreciate it if you could investigate this issue and help me resolve it as soon as possible.

Additional Information:

  • IAM User: hoang
  • IAM User ARN: arn:aws:iam::***:user/hoang
  • Error Message: "An error occurred fetching clusters and workgroups. User: arn:aws:iam::***:user/hoang is not authorized to perform: tag:GetResources with an explicit deny in a service control policy" Thank you for your assistance.
1 Risposta


The error message “with an explicit deny in a service control policy” suggests that “tag:GetResources” is restricted by the SCP feature of Organizations, not IAM policy.
Therefore, I recommend that you contact the person who manages your AWS account or the administrator of your organization to check whether "tag:GetResources" etc. are restricted by SCP.

By the way, what kind of settings are you using in SCP?
Additionally, SCPs also inherit policies set in higher-level OUs, so if the OU of the AWS account in which the error occurs is a child OU, please also check the SCP set in the higher-level OU.

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