How does externaldns talk to route53 API to update records if I'm using private EKS with no internet connection


Hello everyone,

Could you please explain how the external-dns ( can communicate with the route 53 API to update records in the case of a private EKS cluster without internet connectivity? AFAIK, there is no VPC endpoint for route 53, how then does external-dns reach the route 53 API?

Thanks, CloudUser

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In reply to your comment, the external-dns component would call the Route 53 public API just as other tools, such as the AWS console or IAC tools like Terraform and would require credentials (either API key or a role on the EC2 instances with permissions to make Route 53 calls).

If you are running this on an EKS cluster that does not have internet access, it would not work. You could provide outbound only access via a NAT Gateway.

Hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
con risposta 2 mesi fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa
  • This is absolutely my understanding..I just went through a dozen of documentations, AWS included, and there is no mention to the internet connectivity requirement..I also asked AWS to update their documentation to add this as a limitation...still waiting :)

    Thank you again @iBehr


External DNS can make queries based on the NS records in the Hosted Zone. You need to setup your existing DNS provider to forward to Route 53 servers by adding the NS records to your base domain. This article walks you through the process.

For queries from the EKS cluster in your VPC, there is a resolver (VPC CIDR + 2 IP address) which is the default DNS server for all EC2 instances (VPC resources). It can answer DNS queries based on any Route 53 Hosted Zone that is associated to the VPC or will forward other requests to the internet for resolution.

If you have more specific question, please ask. Hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
con risposta 2 mesi fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa
  • Thank you @iBehr for your answer. My question is more about the external-dns kube component ( and how it updates diffrents route 53 records.

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