How can I use an SSH tunnel to access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside of a VPC with Amazon Cognito authentication?

6 minute read

My Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster is in a virtual private cloud (VPC). I want to use an SSH tunnel to access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside the VPC with Amazon Cognito authentication.

Short description

By default, Amazon Cognito restricts OpenSearch Dashboards access to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users in the VPC. You access an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain from another VPC by setting up an OpenSearch Service-managed VPC endpoint (powered by AWS PrivateLink). You can also access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside the VPC using an SSH tunnel.

Important: Be sure that accessing OpenSearch Dashboards from outside the VPC is compliant with your organization's security requirements.

Access Dashboards from outside the VPC using an SSH tunnel:

1.    Create an Amazon Cognito user pool and identity pool.

2.    Create an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance in a public subnet. This subnet must be in the same VPC as your OpenSearch Service domain.

3.    Use a browser add-on such as FoxyProxy to configure a SOCKS proxy.

4.    Create an SSH tunnel from your local machine to the EC2 instance.

Note: You can also use an NGINX proxy or Client VPN to access Dashboards from outside of a VPC with Amazon Cognito authentication. For more information, see How can I access OpenSearch Dashboards from outside of a VPC using Amazon Cognito authentication?

5.    (Optional) If fine-grained access control (FGAC) is turned on, add an Amazon Cognito authenticated role.


Create an Amazon Cognito user pool and identity pool

1.    Create an Amazon Cognito user pool.

2.    Configure a hosted user pool domain.

3.    In the Amazon Cognito console navigation pane, choose Users and groups.

4.    Choose Create user, and then complete the fields. Be sure to enter an email address. Then, select the Mark email as verified check box.

5.    Choose the Groups tab, and then choose Create group. For Precedence, enter 0. For more information, see Creating a new group in the AWS Management Console.

6.    Open the Amazon Cognito console again.

7.    Choose Manage Identity Pools, and then choose Create new identity pool.

8.    Enter a name for your identity pool, and select the check box to Enable access to unauthenticated identities. Then choose Create Pool.

9.    When you are prompted for access to your AWS resources, choose Allow. This creates the two default roles associated with your identity pool—one for unauthenticated users and one for authenticated users.

10.    Configure your OpenSearch Service domain to use Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards:
For Cognito User Pool, choose the user pool that you created in step 1.
For Cognito Identity Pool, choose the identity pool that you created in step 8.

11.    Configure your OpenSearch Service domain to use an access policy similar to the following. Replace these values:
account-id with your AWS account ID
identity-name with the name of your Amazon Cognito identity pool
domain-name with the name of your domain
Region with the Region where your domain resides, such as us-east-1

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:sts::account-id:assumed-role/Cognito_identity-nameAuth_Role/CognitoIdentityCredentials"
      "Action": "es:*",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:es:Region:account-id:domain/domain-name/*"

For example, the following access policy uses these values:

AWS account ID: 111122223333
Amazon Cognito identity pool name: MyIdentityPool
domain name: MyDomain
Region: us-east-1

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "AWS": "arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/Cognito_MyIdentityPoolAuth_Role/CognitoIdentityCredentials"
      "Action": "es:*",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:111122223333:domain/MyDomain/*"

Create an EC2 instance and configure security group rules

1.    Launch an EC2 instance in a public subnet of the VPC that your OpenSearch Service domain is in. On the Configure Instance Details page, be sure that Auto-assign Public IP is set to Enable.
Note: In the following steps, the EC2 instance is referred to as tunnel_ec2.

2.    Add inbound rules to the security group associated with the tunnel_ec2 instance. These rules must allow traffic to ports 8157 and 22 from the IP address of the machine that you access the OpenSearch Service dashboard from.

3.    Add an inbound rule to the security group associated with the OpenSearch Service domain. This rule must allow traffic from the private IP address of the tunnel_ec2 instance.

Configure the SOCKS proxy

1.    Add FoxyProxy Standard to Google Chrome.

2.    Open FoxyProxy, and then choose Options.

3.    In the Proxy mode drop-down list, choose Use proxies based on their pre-defined patterns and priorities.

4.    Choose Add New Proxy.

5.    Select the General tab and enter a Proxy Name such as "Dashboards Proxy."

6.    On the Proxy Details tab, be sure that Manual Proxy Configuration is selected and then complete the following fields:
For Host or IP Address, enter localhost.
For Port, enter 8157.
Select SOCKS proxy
Select SOCKS v5.

7.    Choose the URL Patterns tab.

8.    Choose Add new pattern and then complete the following fields:
For Pattern Name, enter a name such as "VPC Endpoint."
For URL pattern, enter the VPC endpoint for Dashboards. Be sure that accessing the URL is allowed. Be sure that Wildcards is selected.

9.     Choose Save.

Create the SSH tunnel

1.    Run this command from the local machine that you use to access the Dashboards dashboard. Replace these items:
mykeypair.pem: the name of the .pem file for the key pair that you specified when you launched the tunnel_ec2 EC2 instance.
public_dns_name: the public DNS of your tunnel_ec2 EC2 instance. For more information, see View DNS hostnames for your EC2 instance.

ssh -i "mykeypair.pem"  ec2-user@public_dns_name -ND 8157

2.    Enter the Dashboards endpoint in your browser. The Amazon Cognito login page for Dashboards appears.

(Optional) If FGAC is turned on, add an Amazon Cognito authenticated role

If fine-grained access control (FGAC) is turned on for your OpenSearch Service cluster, you might encounter a "missing role" error. To resolve the "missing role" error, perform the following steps:

1.    Sign in the OpenSearch Service console.

2.    From the navigation pane, under Managed clusters, choose Domains.

3.    Choose Actions.

4.    Choose Modify master user.

5.    Choose Set IAM ARN as your master user.

6.    In the IAM ARN field, add the Amazon Cognito authenticated ARN role.

7.    Choose Submit.

For more information about fine-grained access control, see Tutorial: IAM master user and Amazon Cognito.

Related information

Configuring Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards

Launching your Amazon OpenSearch Service domains with a VPC

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago

The Cognito steps in this article are substantially out of date in terms of how the Console currently works.

replied 5 months ago

Thank you for your comment. We'll review and update the Knowledge Center article as needed.

profile pictureAWS
replied 5 months ago