Unable to attach volume to instance


I have an existing free tier running and I decided to upgrade to a second, higher instance. So today I got a t3.medium with the same windows ami, in the same availability zone, with the same security group and key pair as the free tier.

The new instance launch was successful, but

  1. Im unable to login to the new instance using the password from the free tier.
  2. I tried to swap out the volumes as I intended to use the free tier volume with my new instance but it doesnt work either. I can only attach the free tier volume to my free tier instance and t3.medium volume with its corresponding instance.

Few days ago I had the exact same instances running smoothly at tandem, attaching the same volume to either instances as needed until I had to delete them.

질문됨 4달 전195회 조회
2개 답변
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Unable to login to the new instance using the password from the free tier:
    When you launch a new instance from an AMI (Amazon Machine Image), the password for accessing the instance may not necessarily be the same as the one for your previous instance, even if it's the same AMI. AWS typically generates a random password for the Administrator account on Windows instances and provides it through the console log.
    To retrieve the generated password, you can:
        Go to the EC2 console.
        Select the new instance.
        From the Actions dropdown menu, choose "Get Windows Password."
        Follow the instructions to retrieve the password. This will involve providing the key pair used to launch the instance.
    Once you have the password, try using it to login to your new instance.

Swapping out volumes:

    When swapping volumes between instances, there are some considerations to keep in mind:
        The new instance should be shut down before detaching and attaching volumes.
        Both instances should be in the same availability zone.
        Make sure the volume you are attaching is compatible with the instance type. For example, if you're attaching an EBS volume, ensure that it's compatible with the instance type and that it's in the correct format (e.g., Windows volumes should be NTFS formatted).
        After attaching the volume to the new instance, you may need to adjust the permissions or mount points within the operating system to access the data.
    If you're still encountering issues after following these steps, double-check that you're attaching the correct volume to the correct instance and that there are no errors or warnings in the EC2 console.
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답변함 4달 전
  • Hi, you were right, thanks a lot. The password is different even though Im using the same key-pair. Last time I created a second instance, the password had stayed the same. Does the password keep changing at random even on an existing instance?

    Swapping the vols. I created all instances within the same zone, but didnt realize a zone could have multiple subnets. So thats fixed too now. Thanks a lot again.



Did you set up a key pair when starting EC2?
If you have set up a key pair, you can check the initial password using the settings in the document below.

Please also check the document below for information on how to change your password.

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답변함 4달 전

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