EKS Node Scaling with Karpenter


Hi everyone,

I'm working with an EKS cluster that has three node groups. When I attempt to scale a deployment to the maximum CPU capacity, the cluster automatically provisions additional nodes. However, these new nodes aren't assigned to any specific node group.

My question is: How can I ensure that newly created nodes are added to a particular node group?

Here's the current behavior: Scaling the deployment to the CPU limit triggers cluster autoscaling (potentially using Karpenter). Karpenter creates new EC2 instances to meet the increasing resource demands. These new instances are not explicitly associated with any existing node group.

Desired behavior: I want new nodes to be added to a specific node group during cluster autoscaling.

Tai Ho
질문됨 2달 전166회 조회
1개 답변

You can follow these steps to ensure that a newly created nodes are added to a specific node group during cluster autoscaling with karpenter in EKS

Assign unique labels to your existing node groups. You can do this during the creation of the node groups or by updating the existing ones.

Modify the Karpenter configuration to specify a node group selector. This selector will tell Karpenter which node group to target when provisioning new nodes.

Ensure that the Karpenter configuration includes the node group selector option and specifies the label of the desired node group.

After updating the Karpenter configuration, monitor the cluster autoscaling events and verify that new nodes are being added to the correct node group.

I think it will be more clearer to paste your yaml file here and cover the sensitive info or if you can follow the above steps i think everything should be ok

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답변함 2달 전
  • Hi,

    Unfortunately that I can't paste my yaml file into this because the comment was limit in 600 words. I still have stuck with this problem.

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