domain name not resolving to a site hosted in ec2 windows server


hello - im having an issue with a domain name resolving to a site hosting in iis on an ec2.

In route53, i transferred a domain name into aws. the domain registration is complete. i have a hosted zone with a, ns and soa records. the a record points to a public ip.

I have an ec2 running a windows server with 2 private ip address, 2 public ips. my hosted a record points to one of the public ip addresses. i can request the ip outside of aws/rdp just fine. However, when bind the domain name to the web site in iis and try to request the site is doesn't resolve.

I noticed the following as i have 2 sites with domain names.

  • domain/site 1 -- the route 53 registered domain server names, hosted zone name servers and ns records contain the same 4 entries.
  • domain/site 2 (problem) -- the the route 53 registered domain server names are different from the hosted zone name servers and ns record.

What would be causing this failure?

2개 답변
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Referring this specific note from your post,

domain/site 2 (problem) -- the the route 53 registered domain server names are different from the hosted zone name servers and ns record

The name server names in the registered domain must match those provided by the hosted zone for that hosted zone to be delegated as the DNS Manager for that domain. Right now the mismatch means the registered domain is not being managed by that hosted zone and hence the A-record added in the hosted zone, will not take effect.

Please refer this doc on how to update the Route53-registered domain's NS record/name server names


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  • Thank you!

  • No problem :)


If i run nslookup in the command prompt, it returns unfound. the same with doing a tracert. i use the reg data lookup tool and the dns is correct as it matches the route 53 registered domain Name servers.

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