Lambda trigger from a specific tag key value of S3 Object


Hi Team,

Our use case is that, we will be uploading S3 objects with specific tag values and based on that specific tag value lambda function need to be triggered and it should move that object with specific tag value to another bucket.

Kindly share the lambda function code to achieve this.

1 Resposta

Hi there,

You can check the objects uploaded under a certain prefix and file extensions and in your lamdba, filter for the specific tags see here on how to fetch the object tags. Do change it for the programming language you are using :)

These are the list of options for s3 tigger. Enter image description here

Below is a lambda code you can use to copy from source to destination bucket(replace with the actual bucket values), here I am using the copy_object method

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    session_aws = boto3.Session()
    s3_client_aws = session_aws.client("s3")

    source_bucket_objects = s3_client_aws.list_objects_v2(
        Bucket=f"{sourcebucketname}", Prefix=f"{source_prefix}"

    # add additional logic as    

    resp = s3_client_aws.copy_object(
    # check response errors 
    except Exception:
        # handle errors

Also check this doc on the how to do it. Here is another lambda example (in different languages) from aws doc above code I posted is just an slight deviation


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