Underscores in headers AWS API Gateway


I have created an API Gateway using Sam cli. Within the request, I am sending a header named access_token, which the API Gateway removes from the request. It only allows sending the header without an underscore like this: access-token

This is the request:

curl --location 'https://localhost:3000/api/testEdpoint'
--header 'access_token: theaccesstoken'

The problem is that I cannot access the client's request to change from access_token to access-token. Is there any workaround or option where I can tell the Gateway to accept underscore in the headers and not remove them from the request?

1 Resposta

You're right, API Gateway by default doesn't support headers with underscores. There are a few workarounds you can explore to handle the access_token header with an underscore in your SAM CLI-created API Gateway.

  1. Custom Authorizer (Limited Functionality): Implement a custom authorizer function in your Lambda integration. This function can access the original request headers before any modifications by API Gateway. However, custom authorizers can only access a limited set of headers, and access_token might not be included.Just check once by giving it a try.

  2. Custom Lambda Integration : This approach involves creating a custom Lambda integration for your API endpoint. The Lambda function will receive the unmodified request from API Gateway, allowing you to access the original header (access_token) with the underscore. Here's how to implement it: **step 1 : **Create a Lambda Function: This function will handle the request logic and access the original header. **step 2 **: Configure API Gateway Integration: Set the integration type to "AWS_PROXY" and choose your Lambda function as the integration target.

Within your Lambda function, you can access the original request headers, including the one with the underscore, using the event.headers dictionary.

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  • I have tried with the Custom Authorizer and with the Custom Lambda Integration (integration type "AWS_PROXY"), but in both approaches, the headers are removed before they reach the Lambda function.

    I need access to the access_token in the Custom Authorizer, but it was removed before it made it to the lambda function. I read that we can use CloudFront to intercept the header before it makes it to the API Gateway and replace the underscores with hyphens, but I want to leave the current request process as is and try to solve it on our own.

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