Redact chat transcript in Agent window


Like to check if AWS Connect CCP support redacted/masked the transcript that is sent to the live agent. I am using a Web-based chatbot channel and don't want to use the solution given in the link ( as it will limit chat session to 15 min only ( lambda restriction).

I like to redact the PII data given in below screenshot:

Enter image description here

2 Respostas

Hi, I am reviewing the architecture of the blog post that you indicated and it seems that you can still use it for conversations longer than 15 minutes.

In the solution, a lambda is triggered every time the customer sends a message, it process the message to redact the information and it pass the redacted message to the agent in Connect. This whole process should take just some seconds and then the lambda is shutdown.

After a new message is sent by the client the whole process begins again with a new lambda so there should not be any problem with time limitations here. As you will be using several different lambdas during the entire conversation.

profile pictureAWS
respondido há 9 meses
  • This blog doesn't mentioned about web channel and also won't work for us for below reasons:

    • Production stability concern. Moving from web socket to lambda rest api.
    • The AWS Custom Chat widget doesn't support this.
    • Voice call transcription won't be redacted.

    I am amazed that the contact lens (Set recording and analytics behavior) added at the start of the call flow doesn't redact the transcription sent to the agent.

    Is there any way we can redact the transcription that is shown to live agent or it's not supported in AWS Connect currently?


Hi, redaction to a live agent is not supported natively by Amazon Connect.

For that you will have to implement a workaround similar to the one in the blog post. If you are concern about stability you can use containers (ECS) instead of lambdas to do the same. For the Chat widget you will have to use another custom chat tool as you say. And finally for call transcription you have the contact lens redaction feature for post call.

profile pictureAWS
respondido há 9 meses

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