E-Mail has not been sent due to SMTP configuration.



I am setting up the Email settings for an online marketplace where emails are sent for actions such as registering an account as well as forgot password and I am getting the following error message when sending a test email from the marketplace webpage:

E-Mail has not been sent due to SMTP configuration

Here are my current settings:

  • Mail Driver
  • smtp
  • Mail Host
  • email-smtp.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
  • Mail Port
  • 587
  • Mail Username
  • User name from IAM->Users->
  • Mail Password
  • Access Key 1
  • Mail Encryption
  • tls
  • Mail From Address
  • My own email address
  • Mail From Name
  • My own name

Can anyone please provide assistance?

Regards, Simon

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Important Don't use temporary AWS credentials to derive SMTP credentials. The SES SMTP interface doesn't support SMTP credentials that have been generated from temporary security credentials.

The following pseudocode shows the algorithm that converts an AWS secret access key to an SES SMTP password.

// Modify this variable to include your AWS secret access key
// Modify this variable to refer to the AWS Region that you want to use to send email.
region = "us-west-2";
// The values of the following variables should always stay the same.
date = "11111111";
service = "ses";
terminal = "aws4_request";
message = "SendRawEmail";
version = 0x04;

kDate = HmacSha256(date, "AWS4" + key);
kRegion = HmacSha256(region, kDate);
kService = HmacSha256(service, kRegion);
kTerminal = HmacSha256(terminal, kService);
kMessage = HmacSha256(message, kTerminal);
signatureAndVersion = Concatenate(version, kMessage);
smtpPassword = Base64(signatureAndVersion);

Addition Information: [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/monitor-sender-reputation.html](Monitoring your Amazon SES sender reputation)

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respondido há um mês
  • Thank you GK. For the code, what programming language should I use to get the AWS secret access key?

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