CloudFront cross-account S3 Origin Setup


Hi, I'm using CloundFront and s3 origin, but I found that CloudFront (non-China) does not seem to support setting the origin to a China S3 bucket, for example : when I setup the origin to non-China S3 bucket, it will display options applicable to S3 buckets, such as origin access, Enter image description here but if I setup the origin to China S3 bucket, then it doesn't have options applicable to S3 buckets, which also leads to the inability to correctly identify it as an S3 bucket, has anyone had similar experiences? Enter image description here

asked 2 months ago173 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can't directly use a CloudFront distribution outside China to serve content from an S3 bucket located in China due to the regulatory and technical differences. For content intended for users in China, you typically need to comply with local Chinese regulations, like obtaining an ICP license, and use AWS services within the China region.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi Osvaldo Marte, thank you for your response.

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